When Georgie was pregnant, her close friends; who had both their children photographed at Jo Buckley Photography, could not recommend our photography service enough. Thank you Steph and Chris :)
That was over two and a half years ago. Recently we got to meet Georgie and Ross’s second little lady, Imogen. Don’t the girls look similar. Here is a picture of Isabella (Imogen’s older sister) when she was 2 weeks old and here is a picture of Imogen at the same age.
The main aim of the session was to capture the whole family together and especially the two girls together. I’m not going to lie 2-3 year old siblings can be very challenging to photograph, they either want to participate or they don’t. We’ve found tricks over the years which definitely help but you usually have around 20 minutes of photography time until it’s game over. (insert Luke's favourite GIF)
We started the session with Imogen in mums arms so Isabella could watch and see what it was all about. We then went for it, it was time to get them all together before Isabella got too familiar with us or lost interest. She was an absolute star, smiling, giggling and holding on to daddy’s arm. Georgie and Ross were shocked and overjoyed.
Now it was time to get the two girls together, this can be a lot more challenging. Personally I find with sibling photos, the closer the children’s heads are together the nicer the finished photograph, it’s all about the connection. With a newborn that means lying them on their backs with their sibling lying next to them. Isabella wasn’t a fan of this pose initially and we had several attempts before having a break. In the end while we were photographing Imogen on her own, Isabella fell asleep in daddy’s arms watching Paddington Bear, It was now or never! This was definitely a first for myself and Luke. We had never photographed both siblings fast asleep. As Ross lay Isabella down we all held our breath, was she going to wake up. Whoop!
We managed to photograph the girls together and what a beautiful photograph it is. 😍

It was an absolute delight photographing this loving family. Both myself and Luke each got a goodbye hug from Isabella. She just ran across the room arms stretched out and threw them around us saying bye bye. We seriously have the best job ever.

Jo Buckley Photography | Krowji, West Park, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 3AJ
01209 315422 | info@jobuckleyphotography.com